

Our employees are the primary stakeholders of Friends Steel. We flourish in a community of reverence, diversity and inclusion. We’ve made a concerted effort at Friends Steel to create an inclusive workplace and a diverse leadership team. We were a visionary and enlightened employer forever. We appreciate the competitive edge our people offer us.

Employees have substantial financial and energy commitments in our group, which have a key position in the organization’s policy, strategies, and other activities. We take into consideration the views, interests and beliefs of our employees in defining the group’s policy, vision and purpose.

Our employees are our family and we as a family strive to create and deliver the products or services that a customer desires. Attracting and retaining the best talent so that we as a family continue to grow together as the group grows.

It’s the sheer hardwork our our employees that has enabled Friends Steel to constantly evolve itself keeping up with not only the changing production trends but also the changing demands of our customers.

We pledge in taking utmost care of our employees and we feel very lucky to have this feeling reciprocated from our employees as well. It is this bonding that has enabled us to always be remebered as,
“Zamaane ke Liye, Zamaane ke Saath”
