Friends Steel Group (FSG) is engaged in manufacturing and supply of long steel products. FSG vision is an Incident and Injury Free workplace, with no harm to people while protecting the environment. In pursuit of this vision, FSG adhere to strict safety guidelines.
- We work our best to avoid injuries and work related illness and minimise pollution
- All employees and contractors are responsible for their own health and safety and that of their colleagues, with management accountable
- Employee engagement and training is essential and hence every employee at FSG is provided HSE training
- Working safely is a condition of employment for all employees and contractors.
- Our excellence in health and safety ultimately drives excellent business results
- Every job is assessed for the risk involved and shall be carried out as per authorised procedures/ checklist/ necessary work permit and using necessary work permit and using necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).

- We are committed to continual improvement in our S&OH performance. We set objective-targets. We develop, implement and maintain management standards and systems and go beyond compliance of the relevant industry standards, legal and other requirements.
- Develop a safety culture through active leadership, encouraging good safety performance through Rewards & Recognition schemes and imparting appropriate level of HSE training.
- FSG takes pride in instilling a sense of environmental awareness and responsibility amongst our people.
- We protect the natural and cultural environment in all our operations in a socially responsible manner.
- We embrace the principles of waste minimisation and pollution prevention and Continuously improving our environmental management system by setting objectives and targets.